Manually Block User On Facebook Page

The world of internet is a pool of numerous websites which has turned everything digital. But not all those website might be appropriate for everyone.Suppose that you want to stop your friends or children from opening a particular website on your computer. Just telling them to stop opening them wouldn’t be a great solution. If you feel that you need to block certain sites manually be changing certain settings on your system, here you go. This article is going to navigate you perfectly through the steps you need to follow in order to accomplish it.

Block A Page

But before we proceed,let me introduce you to a new term Windows Host File. The hostnames connected to a network needs to be mapped to their corresponding IP addresses. This is done so to uniquely identify a particular system in a pool of systems connected to the Internet. This Windows Host file is responsible for providing this mapping function. Slight modifications made to this file can help you block the particular website. Well, now let us start discussing the process.

Oct 09, 2019 Facebook confirms pages for celebrities, public figures, brands, media websites based pages. In the manual process, Page admin or authorized representative has to submit a request to verify the Facebook page. But on the other hand, in an automatic process, the automated system detects page to get verified on Facebook. Anything less than a one day long crawl will be unlikely to capture the data necessary to display a Facebook page in Wayback. Check a seed's availability on the live web. If you must be logged into Facebook as a specific user to view a private page or group, then our crawler will need to be logged in as that user, too. Sep 09, 2017 Enter the user (login) password when prompted. Manually type the websites you want to block one-by-one. Click Add after typing the name of each site. Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube.

Also read: – How to restrict PC usage time for an account on Windows 10


Step 1 – Open your file explorer and copy and paste the given path below to address bar and go to etc folder.


Step 2 –

Now, Right click and copy the hosts file and paste it somewhere else on your computer. Lets copy and paste it on desktop.

Step 3 – Go to desktop and right click and click on open with.

Step 4 – Now, choose notepad as the option to open the file with notepad.

Step 5 – Once the file opens up, just scroll down and copy and paste these two lines at the bottom. Just make sure to change the websitename with the name of the file which you want to block.

For example if you want to block facebook, just put the code as shown below.


Now, save the changes to the file. Now, copy and paste it back again in the etcfolder. The original file will get replaced.


How to redirect Blocked website to another website

Now suppose that you need to make any other website open up when your friends secretly try to open up the site you had opposed. Lets see how it can be done.

  • Open up the command prompt and type ping The sitename is the name of the site to which you want the website to be redirected on. Say for example you need to redirect to, you can type ping This will give you the IP address of the site.

As shown above,I have obtained the address for

How To Block User On Facebook

  • Now, as described above, instead of adding to the bottom of notepad, you can add


IPaddress is the address you have currently received from command prompt and website name is the name of the site you want to redirect to another site.

In my case, I am redirecting the site to the Google’s site which has the IP address From now on the Google’s site opens up when you search for


Manually Block User On Facebook Page Facebook

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Well I blocked a friend on Facebook, but I just checked that person got unblocked don’t have a clue how? When I did not unblock & also I am able to login proper into my Facebook. How did it get unblocked?

Can You Block Facebook Pages

  1. It's either he's hacked your account password or that he has created another account with the same name and info.

  2. ya you can unblock your friend---Go to Privacy Settings-->Blocked People and Apps
    Then there you can choose the friend from the list whom u want to unblock.

  3. I don't think it is possible for that person to unblock themselves. The only thing I can think is that the person deleted their profile and so it automatically removed that person from your block list. Very strange!

  4. no way this can happen until unless someone hack your account..or that guy might have created another account with different email ID and have same display name

  5. Nope. When you block someone, he will stay blocked until you unblock him.

  6. Without him knowing your password there is no way that can be done!

    • Yeah facebook gets serious when it comes to security!

  7. IF you have blocked someone and he still appears in blocked list then there is no way he can unblock himself. May be it was other profile of the same person

  8. The only scenarios I can think of would be that the person created another FB account, and you now need to block that one. (You can check in your account settings who is blocked to see if they have actually been unblocked, or just created a new account.)
    Or, someone managed to access your account, either by guessing your password, seeing your password, using your computer when you happened to have FB open or you were outright hacked.
    No matter what may have happened, you should change your password on FB. Also, if you use the same password for other online accounts, you should consider changing them, as well.

  9. First off what you need to know is, is that the same account or your friend made a new one. Second, follow the link below and see if that person's name is still in the block list or not

    If that person is not there then the only thing I could think of is someone who had access to your facebook unblocked the person (what i mean to say is you might have had your fb open and someone did some stuff on it or someone knows your password). In that case I would suggest block the person again and change the password.